In my youth I was fascinated with my “discovery” that all life originated from Africa. There were no blacks living in the USSR. In some large cities, there were foreign students, but those were exceptions. Black people had my fascination.
The way the children in the USSR classrooms got to learn about the origin of life in Africa was to substitute Darwin for scripture. God was not allowed on a doorstep of Soviet Socialist classrooms since 1917. God’s place of honor was always occupied by V.I. Lenin and what was passed to us and pounded into our heads as his teachings.
The Soviet creative Darwinism, for instance, flourished between 1930s and 1950s from the selective Darwin’s works, and had led to the transmutation of species. That allowed for the acceptance of various genetics experimentations that were conducted mostly in the subhuman conditions of GULAG and mostly in competition with similarly subhuman genetic experiments that were conducted in the NAZI concentration camps over most of the same time period. Such comparison, of course, had I vocalized it back in the USSR, could have landed me in the 1970s GULAG, always a scary place. So none of us vocalized much contradiction to government. We were afraid. We were taught to be afraid.
Similarly, we did not contradict our teachers in history or civics classes. Well, actually I did, for an entire year. Read about it in my book My Life Through My Dresses – Growing Up Socialist. But I was young and daring, naïve and inexperienced. In other times, I could have perished. Or been tortured. Or at least humiliated, like some were humiliated this past summer in the US and elsewhere for not subscribing to the public hysteria, chaos, anarchy and pressure.
You see, of course, life began in Africa. I know now it is not a contradiction to God. It is a work of God and history of its chosen people. Israel is on a crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. But people of Israel had never been black. Olive skinned, like the Italians and Arabs, but not black. Since much of written and archeological evidence is being obliterated at times of conquests, much of what was known about the world is always being inverted whenever facts are substituted with layers of “fake evidence.” A fairly recent example of this is Googling “European people history” then clicking “image” tab. The picture above is what is being returned. Someone took deliberate measures to substitute these clearly deceiving images to invert the general perception of the world and European history.
Why have they done it? and
Who has done it? should be the questions asked on CNN, etc.
I bet most of you never even knew it.
Similarly, the inversion is happening in the United States of America. It is being forced through PC word meanings’ inversions, inversions of values and traditions. It is the cultural revolution’s homage to the new idols people are or about to be forced to worship, just like we worshiped Grandpa Lenin in the USSR. It is unpleasant and has already become dangerous. I hope it is still curable!
Submission to radicalized values always happens under duress and with extreme physical force. Ordinary people are never stupid. They know when their values are inverted. They will resist. That is individual people will. But how long will courageous individuals resist is my question. Everyone wants to live. And socialist history, of which we have plenty recoverable evidence, clearly shows the bloody trail of submission to the inverted values of the dominating forces. Because masses behave as masses do and they are traditionally stupid!
Six short months ago USA laughed at the possibility of COVID-19 pandemic and leaders like Pelosi and Schumer were angrily calling President Trump all sorts of intellectually stimulating words in the deliberate attempt to invert his role in pandemic prevention when he immediately closed China from entering the US. Now they are inverting again, blaming him for not acting swiftly, etc. etc. Inversion is the profession they know well. Just like faking.
Three months ago most US Americans had no clue of BLM or ANTIFA. Marixists and NAZIs as they are… Some of US were following their story since 2016.
Here’s the inversion I am observing in August 2020 – instead of the 1960s Black Panthers someone, presumably with George Soros’s money, brainwashed and rounded up white youths to perpetrate the BLM-ANTIFA dirty bloody work… I fear the worst will come in the weeks before the election and in the months that will follow.
In the meantime, we have to deal with real tragedies that were inflicted on us because SOCIALISM always inflicts terror on the peaceful ordinary hard-working people. Always!
I am no longer fascinated with Black people. Forty years in USA exposed me to people of all races, religions and vvalues. I am fascinated with people who can move the world out of this inversion. Like Ben Carson moved USA out of the imminent black hole at National Prayer breakfast in 2013.