So, I’ve been thinking about this for nearly four years while I witness the virtual assassination of President Donald J. Trump and murder of the United States of America that I love very dearly.
What would press be writing about Trump if its members were objective?
Vladimir Lenin in his revolution planning hideout somewhere in the Finnish countryside wrote that a swift takeover of the means of information is among the first priorities of socialist revolution.
Regrettably, I have to differ, schools are!
The revolution that we are currently witnessing in USA is made possible only because generations of youths have been propagandized to by their public school educators and college professors in the objectives and ideology of Marxism-Leninism, a subject I am bitterly familiar with, having grown up under its death-wish influence.
Loyal Leninists took over telephone, telegraph and newspapers of Sankt Petersburg on that unforgettable night onto November 7th 1917. New style date, as Russian calendar of that era was nearly two weeks behind. 13 days precisely, making the actual revolution date the 25th of October 1917, hence October Revolution. Teachers should be teaching this in USA schools. They do not. They also should have been teaching that this was the second revolution of 1917, why and how it was different, what events led into it and who really won, looking back philosophically at the total effect. The 1905 Bloody Sunday revolution should not have been left untaught either, as they each did not happen in the vacuum. They were steps into destruction of a country, culture, legacy… and created a lasting monstrosity.
Teachers should also be teaching American youths that Lenin’s regime caused mass exterminations of Russian citizens who did not support the revolutionary concepts of redistribution of assets, elimination of private property ownership and other social-economic reforms that always lead to starvation and extinction of the masses. US academia should have been passing the devastating lessons of Russian history, such as the bloody Civil War, that ensued immediately from November 7th 1918 and declared over on October 25, 1922, notably mashing the dates to declare proletariat’s victory on the anniversary of the bloodiest “bloodless revolution” of them all. In some parts of what would late be known as the USSR, the Civil War actually lasted for a few more years before it was suppressed by brutal Red force.
It was during the first year of the Civil War that Grandpa Lenin, as this idol was lovingly known to my generation of Soviet children, established a concentration camp system, later known as The Gulag. By 1921 there were 84 camps. Note: not defending Hitler here, but the world should stop crediting him with this invention! Modest calculations place approximately 18,000,000 behind that barbed wire.
American teachers impart Marxism-Leninism without divulging its dirty legacy.
All American reporters have graduated from schools whose academia adulate Marx and teach Lenin, socialism and social justice, as if these are the rewards of education, when in reality they are weapons of mass destruction, because they create the most powerful weapon of them all – brainwash.
Brainwashing, institutionally engrained into the young brains over lasting periods of time and reinforced through other supporting systems, like social ridicule and punishment of contradicting opinion, is a permanent weapon. Unless an afflicted person is put through a detox.
Personally, I remained blind to American media perversion and for the longest time assumed that everyone in the USA understands the evils of the USSR and would never want anything even remotely similar to happen in their country.
That does not mean that I approved of everything USA did 100%. I did not. But my faith in the wisdom and intellectual integrity of people reporting about the US government was overpowering.
The Iran Contras (Ronald Reagan), First Gulf War (George Bush), US Intervention in Bosnia (Bill Clinton)… I was still detoxing myself from under my Soviet brainwash and believed that an individual does not impact anything. Powerful governments do. Individuals who criticize them lose. Evidently, I was not alone. I lived in NYC, where majority of ordinary folk were lifelong democrats, belonged to unions, and did what their unions told them.
I then learned better, became anti-union, reinforced my capitalist beliefs and moved out of NY. But I still trusted the media, watched 20/20 and Anderson Cooper.
In 2000 I distinctly noted that the media is corrupt through a seemingly unimportant minutia – their eagerness to mispronounce ‘nucular’ a la GW Bush in order to kiss ass. Yes, GW had no ability to articulate ‘nuclear’ and our college-educated members of the press were readily dropping their ability to say it correctly. Why?
Next came the post-911 horrors MSM inability to discern fact from fiction in the War on Terror and their willingness to obliterate the common sense. That lack of journalistic integrity spread faster than COVID19 and sinfully afflicted most of MSM.
There were few exceptions, but overall, it was all downhill from there. By the time BHO got into the WH and gag orders were placed full force on everything and anything capable of bringing Truth to light, USA had no free press.
The Dark Age of Obama eliminated enemies of Marxism from every place in US, state and local government, fulfilling his beautifully delivered assurance of fundamentally changing USA to the glorification by MSM.
I was still willing to give BHO a chance and certainly I gave all due respect to the office of US President. Not in my worst nightmare, I could then imagine that he, BHO, with 2 portraits, would signal the end of respect for that office, he so ingloriously occupied for 8 dark years, unapologetically spilling blood of many, most notably, The Benghazi 4 and Dallas 5.
That is why President Donald J Trump does not command respect from the Obama half of the population. They are in the War on Trump, meaning the War Against America that BHO had declared. Peaceful transition of power did not happen in 2016. And our pathetic MSM was brain-dead, silent, or outright supportive of that coup. It suddenly became socially, societally, politically and educationally acceptable to destroy US citizens on fake charges (Michael Flynn), causing them and their families undue harm, financial and professional ruin and worse, like Roger Stone’s arrest. So many things immediately went off with the radicalized and cleverly steered by their socialist puppeteers saturated by fake news and narratives youths and socialists of every age, some of whom are clueless snowflakes, and some are very dangerous elements, who belong in jail for life, but whose assistance in this War Against America was engaged for pay online, in the open, advocated by every radical – BHO, Michelle, Pelosi, AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Sanders, Warren, Kamala, Hillary – and all those other united in their determination to fundamentally destroy the country that gave them everything!
Since time immemorial US Government had people of opposing opinions, ideas and goals serving the country for a salary paid by the people of the United States.
Some of these people served in the White House.
But only after Obama, had we seen the quantitative domestic terror from the wide spread anti-US network The Community Organizer In Chief established during his eight years. That was his administration’s focus – to prepare everything for socialism and, incidentally, but not less importantly, Islamization of America. All the ground work has been laid. We, the people, were being suppressed and believing that after BHO’s term normalcy would return, we waited. And they counted on it. With the help of the press, of course. Always, with the help of the press.
There is no end to the sly, clever, inventive meanness served under the guise of measured, well-rehearsed and practiced in front of a mirror, public image projection. Ability to control one’s temper to inflict a deliberately deceptive personality switch onto unsuspecting audiences is now being praised as a desirable character trait through speech-writers bait and switch ploys, like Michele’s “when they go low, we go high,” a postulate whose terms have been intentionally swapped, like the endless other substitutions of the politically corrected vocabulary. We no longer know the true definitions of certain words, like liberal, for instance. Used to actually mean possessing a kind, bleeding, heart. Now it is representative of socialist cold cruelty. Michelle’s hi, of course, is best illustrated by her response to the kidnapping, rape and slavery of hundreds of Nigerian Christian school girls and that forced photo op she posed for at the WH #bringbackourgirls – brings back so many memories – none of them about Obamas’ kindness. They are a cruel cold socialist indoctrination in progress. They are a working family. One purpose, one goal, destroy USA. That is why they stayed in DC, used Soros’s money for the creation of shadow government and have fought the War Against America for 4 years.
I will probably end up in Obama Gulag for posting this. But I must. I will not be silenced by the oppressed press and its unwitting collaborators.