The Transparency of Jared Kushner

The Transparency of Jared Kushner

I did not know much about Jared Kushner when Donald Trump was running for President in 2016, other than he was already very wealthy before marrying Ivanka Trump and was a Chabadnik, a follower of modern orthodox Judaism. The rest I learned as he successfully transitioned the Republicans into digital media to win the 2016 race against many “pre-destined” or rather “pre-distributed” odds.

The Democrats were probably not expecting the digital success and popularity of DJT communicating directly to the “masses.” The Democrats, despite purporting to be the party representing the interests of the ordinary voters, have long ago became the party of massive conglomerate control from unions to media to big pharma to big tech.

Jared, like his father-in-law, does not need to sell out. The entire Trump clan openly and proudly went into the Trump Administration, forfeiting some of their business ventures, to help make America great again – not to make this slogan as hollow as so many of their predecessors have done.


MAGA, is like Frankie Valli’s lyrics:

It’s got groove it’s got meaning

Grease (MAGA) is the time, is the place, is the motion

Now, grease (MAGA) is the way we are feeling…


By mid-2015 I felt very tired, deceived, disturbed and scared by the doings of US politicians (I did not know enough then to refer to them as Deep State) of both parties during the 16 long years of Bush and Obama that have burdened me and millions of others with numerous inconsistencies between the leader’s statements and the actual events and the effect of political actions of US on ordinary people.

Before 2015, I also felt it, but since I never really paid intense attention to politics, with some exceptions, I was complacent.

As a long-time New Yorker, I remembered Trump for his unconventional big-mouth approach to both life and business, and for some of his good deeds he never got enough praise for. I never followed The Apprentice – not my cup of tea. Loving America – is! It was clear to me from day one that Trump is in it, because he loves America, and like me and millions others, he wants to rescue it from the destructive powers that have swooped into it for decades, tearing at the heart of it, until it broke in 2001.

That would not, could not be mended by the Arab-oil-dependent-Bushes, the anti-American Obamas and certainly not by the jail-bound (I then thought) Hillary Clinton, whose callous negligence on the night Amb. Stevens was murdered in Libya and long list of strange untimely deaths of the unwanted remind me of the Medici and Soviet Commissars.


I did not understand The Deep State until the wool the Democrat Party has pulled over my eyes cleared up.


In comes Jared, a Jew, who gets assigned a paid official position and undergoes the appropriate clearances, evoking, amid other mass hysteria of late 2016-early 2017, an outcry for nepotism! Spare me this bulls-t! To steal hundred of millions, billions, trillions, like The Obamas and The Clintons is somehow ok, but to get a transparent appointment of a trusted right hand – not! Theatrics led to anti-Semitic outcry by “the concerned” modern gangsters of BDS and other pro-“free-Palestine” groups, who immediately understood just where Jared’s efforts could lead to – the undesired peace.

In peace, you see, accountability is possible. In wartime, not! And war is how these “palestinians” are able to thrive. Ever seen the waterfront mansions in Gaza? You should.


Back to Jared. So, I learned that he has Berkowitz (same Russian spelling as mine) ancestors by reading about his Holocaust-survivor grandparents. I also learned that he was born on the first anniversary of my arrival to USA. That is my personal connection to Jared.


Over the past four years, largely due to his exceptional efforts – yes, exceptional, ‘cause no one before him could! – that the US embassy was relocated to Jerusalem and so far UAE and Bahrain have established diplomatic relations with Israel, and others are waiting to do so. Jared, somehow, discovered that long-lost pathway to recognition of Israel that the UN had abandoned eons ago… No coincidence, to me, that he, a grandchild of Holocaust survivors and an orthodox Jew, is the one who has been shown the way to finding it.


You’d think that all Jews would rejoice at the thought that this highly sought peace is finally on Israel’s horizon. Nah! There is no and there never will be any “Jewish unity.” Probably never was.


Reform Judaism is threatened by the revival of Jewish Orthodoxy. Instead of admitting to themselves that such resurgence is a direct result of contemporary Reform Judaism stepping so far away from the actual reformation of Judaism the 19th century enlightenment intended, that it became, in many ways, destructive to the basic traditions of Judaism that it was the Orthodox who preserved it for us through the millennia, and taking steps to reconcile, the Reform Jews are openly promoting hatred against the Orthodoxy, stemming out of basic human envy and self-servicing desires of the Reform leaders of all levels. Just read some of their correspondence or listen to their anti-Trump sermons, and everything falls into place – they hate Jared for his orthodoxy as much, if not more, than his Trump connection.


Incidentally, they hate Ivanka for converting even more, and destroyed her business completely. The most hate, of course, comes from the “tolerant left” and is not exclusively Jewish. For God’s sake, Jews are only 1% of population!


And this brings me to the reason I felt like writing this is important – in The Forward Facebook post this weekend Jared was accused of failing his grandparents’ Holocaust legacy and then hundreds of “tolerant” Jews proceeded to bash Jared, shamelessly exposing their own brainwashed hatred, as something desirable and admirably sanctified. Peace in Israel, therefore, one must infer, is something undesirable and evil. As is the word “god” in the phrase “in god we trust.”


I admire Jared and Ivanka for their unfailing work to strengthen The United States of America on her course constitutional course as a Judeo-Christian nation. This young couple has given US four years of their time, brought in their negotiating skills to empower minorities, women, small businesses and foreign relations that promote and support the America First status of our nation.

They sacrificed four years of attention that they diverted from their children to pressing State priorities and subjected their family to hatred from all the people whose livelihood depends on stealing from the government, as opposed to empowering it. They did it for US! For us, for you and me! For the remainder of their lives, they will need security details. Private, not government. They do not expect gratitude, but they most certainly deserve it! As they do respect!

If you are smart, you will contrast what Jared (Ivanka) have done whilst in office to what the grown children, including in-laws, of The Clintons and The Bidens, for instance, have done.

If you are ignorant through your own choice of your party affiliation or your job pressures, you will continue to disregard The Truth and by the time you get it, I hope you are still free and I am still alive, because I choose to serve The Truth.